About once a month, as I've written before, I come back to this site to read an article, and as usual, I can't get past the first paragraph (Chris Howard's fine pieces excepted) without getting enraged by the poor writing, especially the inattention to grammar and mechanics.
This time I wasn't enraged but amused, and that's usually the effect of misplaced modifiers. Siebold's third sentence says that Apple fans have been falling all over him.
Who wants to keep reading a writer who doesn't even mean what he says?
A general comment about this site, whose concept I like very much and up until a month ago I read regularly, but I just couldn't stand all the "noise" from the incredible number of punctuation, grammar, and mechanics errors and, from one columnist, the ponderous diction. In any event, I came back today, but the situation's even worse. See you in another month or so.
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